By Merry-Jo Holder

Today, there are so many ways to connect and communicate. It’s such a privilege to be able to connect with you through our new GraceNotes blog!
I remember sitting in a conference about 20 years ago when the speaker shared a prediction of sorts. He said that in the future we would be able to carry something around in our pocket and choose the way we would like to receive news and information. That sounded ridiculous. He continued on to say that we would even be able to pick the type of news and information that we would like to receive. At that time, it sounded like such a Meet George Jetson prediction.
Yet, here we are.
Each week at Grace Chapel, right in the middle of church, we are invited by our pastors to read the Bible on our phones (our favorite Bible app!: and recently, we started providing the opportunity to text ‘Heygrace’ to connect with us. To receive important updates, sign up to participate in or attend an event— all you need is a text and voilà!— you’re connected to Grace Chapel. But most importantly, you'll be connected to people, needs, opportunities, and information.
Why is this so meaningful?
When joining our texting group, many of you have chosen the ‘Serve’ option. This week, we were able to reach out to this S.E.R.V.E. group with a text to request desserts for 3 of the 4 funerals that Grace Chapel hosted in the last 7 days. Again— voilà! You brought desserts and we were able to serve these families in their time of need. Thank you!
We were also able to follow up with our Believer’s Baptism class from August and invite them to take their Next Step by participating in our Starting Point foundations class. Many connections are also being made as we welcome new and regular attendees to Grace Chapel, helping them take the Next Step in their faith journey.
We are so thankful for this new text-to-connect tool. At the end of the day, we can’t and shouldn’t try to navigate our lives alone. God Himself designed us for connection. In fact, the Bible plainly tells us to love God and love others. This Bible passage about connections is powerful:
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT
So give it a try! Click here or click the "Connect with Grace" image to get signed up. Fill out your name, email, and phone number then select the areas you want to be kept up-to-date on. That’s it! Then stay tuned for updates and more.
If you would like help getting connected or have any questions, our Associate Pastor of Outreach and Connections, Randy Emmorey, would love to help. If you’ve already met him, you see why— Randy has never met a stranger! Send him an email, give him a call, or grab him before or after a weekend service: or 724-962-5000, ext. 226.

Merry-Jo Holder is the Executive Director here at Grace Chapel as well as our sister ministry Building Blocks Child Center. She can be found on stage doing announcements most weekends and does a little bit of everything around the church, including all things "Fun"!