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Infant Dedications & Water Blessings

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Congratulations! A new baby in your family is such an exciting time!

We are so happy that we can share in this joy of your life. God has given parents the most influence in the lives of their children and we hope that you will continue to look to Grace Chapel for love and support for your new baby and your new family.


What does this step mean?

Dedicating your baby is a way to make a promise to God to do everything within your power to raise your child in a Godly and prayerful way as he or she grows and moves toward making a personal decision to follow God. Some of these responsibilities include teaching and training your child in God's word, demonstrating an example of Godliness, and praying for your child.


Dedication or Water Blessing— what's the difference?

Grace Chapel believes in baptism by immersion, where we publicly confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. For this reason we recommend dedications, as infants are too young to know and confess verbally that Jesus is their personal savior. However, we understand that many people may have been raised in a denomination where infants were required to be baptized with water and this is what you and/or your family desires. In this case, we perform a Dedication with a Water Blessing, but explain that we are not doing a full immersion as Jesus did— noting that the service is a blessing and the focus is a dedication to God.


Infant Dedications & Water Blessings at Grace

We offer Dedications & Blessings during any weekend service, as well as an option for a private ceremony just for your family following a service. To learn more and what to expect, review our printable info page:


Child's Details

After scheduling a Dedication or Water Blessing service, please submit this form to give us the details we need to make your experience memorable!

If you would like to schedule a Dedication or Water Blessing, please contact our office to see if your desired date & time is available.

Phone: (724) 962-5000  x 100




Saturday at 5:30pm

Sunday @ 9:30am & 11:15am



(724) 962-5000

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm

4075 Lamor Rd. Hermitage, PA 16148


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